Selected appearances:
Panel at Churchill College
Panel at Bucknell
On the Sentinel Islanders
On the Media with Bob Garfield
With Himal on Churchill and India
Revisionist History podcast with Malcolm Gladwell
Counterpunch: Conversation with Eric Draitser
Keynote lecture at University of Copenhagen:
The Imperial Roots of Hunger
Bloggingheads chat with John Horgan
Journalism and Human Rights Conference, NYC October 17, 2014
Columbia University, NYC
Behind the News with Doug Henwood
(3/24/12, starting at the 29-minute mark)
Lecture on Bengal famine for Bengal History Week, London
Conversation with Madhusree Mukerjee
Harper’s: Former Scientific American editor pens bombshell Churchill critique
Panel at Churchill College
Panel at Bucknell
On the Sentinel Islanders
On the Media with Bob Garfield
With Himal on Churchill and India
Revisionist History podcast with Malcolm Gladwell
Counterpunch: Conversation with Eric Draitser
Keynote lecture at University of Copenhagen:
The Imperial Roots of Hunger
Bloggingheads chat with John Horgan
Journalism and Human Rights Conference, NYC October 17, 2014
Columbia University, NYC
Behind the News with Doug Henwood
(3/24/12, starting at the 29-minute mark)
Lecture on Bengal famine for Bengal History Week, London
Conversation with Madhusree Mukerjee
Harper’s: Former Scientific American editor pens bombshell Churchill critique

Victim of the Bengal famine